Sent on Behalf of Shirley Windsor, NHS Health Scotland
Dear Colleagues
The Sexual Health and Bloodborne Virus Framework, issued by Scottish Government in 2011, drew together actions and outcomes underpinning Respect and Responsibility, the HIV Action Plan and the Hepatitis C Action Plan.
Included in these actions was a focused piece of work concentrating on the prevention of HIV among those most at risk in recognition of the rising number of diagnoses among these populations and attached is the output from this work, Guidance on HIV Prevention among those from high prevalence countries <> (as intimated as Action 9 in the HIV Action Plan).
This makes six recommendations which service commissioners should consider in assessing needs, designing programmes to target individuals from areas of high HIV prevalence by developing this approach through authentic engagement, partnership and culturally competent delivery.
We hope that you will find this guidance useful in taking forward your local actions to support the Framework Outcomes (particularly around fewer newly acquired blood borne viruses and STIs; reducing the health inequalities gap in blood borne viruses and people affected by bloodborne virus(es) leading longer, healthier lives) and the continued implementation of Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s HIV Standards and the BASHH Guidelines on HIV Testing and Safer Sex Advice.
If you have any queries regarding the guidance, please get in touch.
Best wishes
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