Sent on Behalf of Shirley Windsor, NHS Health Scotland ________________________________ Dear Colleagues The Sexual Health and Bloodborne Virus Framework, issued by Scottish Government in 2011, drew together actions and outcomes underpinning Respect and Responsibility, the HIV Action Plan and the Hepatitis C Action Plan. Included in these actions was a focused piece of work … [Read more...]
SSHA Conference 2011: Cardiff
“Challenges & Innovations in Sexual Health Advising” Date 30th of September 2011 Location Unite Offices, The Meeting Room, 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF24 2BY Programme 09.30 - Registration tea and coffee 10.00 - Ethical Dilemmas in HIV 10.30 - Partner Management by Postal Testing - (Gill Bell) 11:00 - Is There a Benefit to Provider Referral? - (Richard … [Read more...]