Topic title: Consultation event on Scotland's HIV Anti-Stigma Strategy Scotland’s HIV anti-stigma consortium have completed the first draft of the new HIV anti-stigma strategy and are now looking for input from people living with HIV and key populations affected by HIV stigma. The strategy will include a plan of action for the next ten years bringing Scotland closer to … [Read more...]
Hospitals and GP practices fail to check for HIV
Some hospitals and GP practices in England and Scotland are failing to carry out recommended HIV checks, a BBC investigation has found. Experts suggest patients in areas with high rates of HIV ought to be offered a test when they register with a GP or are admitted to hospital. But research carried out for BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme suggests many NHS providers are … [Read more...]
SHIVAG: Survey to improve the healthcare experiences of people living with HIV in Scotland
Funded by The Scottish Government, Waverley Care have just launched a survey of the healthcare experiences of people living with HIV. In particular we are asking about the behaviour of staff in non-HIV specific settings, in relation to a patient's HIV positive status. We want to work towards a Scotland where all interactions in health settings for people living with HIV are … [Read more...]
FAQ Scotland: Gay and bisexual men talk about their sexual lives and sexual health needs
FAQ Scotland is part of a larger project that wants to prevent HIV infections in Scotland among gay and bisexual men. The larger project is called an HIV Needs Assessment, which is being undertaken by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (GGC) and NHS Lothian. The two health boards launched the HIV Needs Assessment because numbers of men becoming HIV positive are on the rise. Each … [Read more...]
Guidance on HIV Prevention among those from high prevalence countries
Sent on Behalf of Shirley Windsor, NHS Health Scotland ________________________________ Dear Colleagues The Sexual Health and Bloodborne Virus Framework, issued by Scottish Government in 2011, drew together actions and outcomes underpinning Respect and Responsibility, the HIV Action Plan and the Hepatitis C Action Plan. Included in these actions was a focused piece of work … [Read more...]