Download the presentations from the SSHA Study Day FGM: Professionals, Policy and Practice - Obi Amadi, Lead Professional Officer The Psychology of Addiction- A current perspective on Chemsex - Dr Chris Hilton - Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist Psychosexual Work and Health Advisers - Lucy Snider - Health Adviser BME communities and HIV-what’s changed? - Professor Jane … [Read more...]
SSHA Conference: 2015
SSHA is holding its annual conference this year on 12th September 2015 in the UNITE Offices, London. This year the costs will be £80 for SSHA members and £90 for Non SSHA members. 9.00 Registration and coffee 9.30 Presidents welcome and housekeeping 9.45 FGM 10.05 ‘The Psychology of Addiction’-A current perspective on Chemsex’ Dr Chris Hilton … [Read more...]
Public health benefits of partner notification for sexually transmitted infections and HIV: Technical Report
Download Full document Background European countries have used partner notification as one of a range of measures to control sexually transmitted infections (STI) since the early 1900s. Besides clinical benefits, public health benefits are also recognised such as controlling the spread of STI, reducing STI-related morbidity and mortality, reaching people with … [Read more...]
Sex, Drugs and MSM – a one day educational event coordinaed by the BASHH MSM special interest group – 1st November 2013
Date 1st November 2013 Program includes HIV and STIs amongst MSM Social and sexual networks and their role in sexual health Drug-use in MSM and its influence upon risk behaviors Hepatitis C epidemiology, surveillance, prevention, screening, management and treatment HIV prevention – community and healthcare initiatives All community and healthcare workers … [Read more...]
Guidance on HIV Prevention among those from high prevalence countries
Sent on Behalf of Shirley Windsor, NHS Health Scotland ________________________________ Dear Colleagues The Sexual Health and Bloodborne Virus Framework, issued by Scottish Government in 2011, drew together actions and outcomes underpinning Respect and Responsibility, the HIV Action Plan and the Hepatitis C Action Plan. Included in these actions was a focused piece of work … [Read more...]