The codes have been developed to capture the complex and detailed content of consultation/interventions that Sexual Health Advisers have with patients. The codes should be used when an interaction has gone beyond what might normally be expected in a consultation in supporting a patient with complex issues. We would not expect routine/straightforward PN, routine safer sex … [Read more...]
London 2016 Conference – Presentations
A Partner Notification Bureau in action - Gill Bell, Nurse Consultant Sexual Health Adviser, Sheffield Real-time Partner Notification - Dr Anatole S Menon-Johansson, SXT Health CIC Health Advisers and Supervision Audit Results - Maeve Cross Senior Health Adviser GUM Belfast Centralised Result Management Bureau - Merle Symonds, Lead Health Adviser & … [Read more...]
Health Advisers receive BASHH awards at this years BASHH Conference
There was a special Sexual health Nurses and Sexual Health Advisers symposium that ran on the first morning of the BASHH Conference 2016 with presentations aimed specifically at and by these groups. There were 4 Bronze scholarships awarded to Sexual Health Advisers this year for the quality of their abstract submissions – this means they received complimentary conference … [Read more...]
BASHH Annual Conference 2016: Twitter Updates
Unable to attend this years BASHH conference? Check out the tweets from those who did attend. Conference Twitter Feed … [Read more...]
SSHA Partner Notification Guidelines—Your Feedback is Needed
Best-practice guidance for all SHAs on the PN process, different types of PN and usage, PN interviews, PN/HIV-specific issues and monitoring PN outcomes. Download SSHA's Partner Notification Guidelines and send us your feedback by 13th November 2015. Introduction Partner Notification (PN) may be defined as the process of providing access to specific forms of healthcare for … [Read more...]