The codes have been developed to capture the complex and detailed content of consultation/interventions that Sexual Health Advisers have with patients.
The codes should be used when an interaction has gone beyond what might normally be expected in a consultation in supporting a patient with complex issues. We would not expect routine/straightforward PN, routine safer sex information, routine or low risk pre-test HIV discussion etc to be coded as complex. This is about going above and beyond basic information.
We appreciate that this is open to interpretation from individuals, but having tested it 3 different clinics, people generally feel very clear when they have seen a patient with complex issues. We would expect that documentation made by the SHA would support the application of an ‘HA complex’ code and would withstand scrutiny in any audit or by managers/commissioners.
We have found it helpful to laminate copies of the Complex codes and ensure that all rooms that SHAs use, have a copy on the wall – this means it is easier to code either in real time or on paper for it to be added to your particular system later.
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