6th August 2016 By Joseph Patrick McCormick [Pink News] Article Link Men who have sex with men in Northern Ireland are to be offered a vaccine to protect against the human papilloma virus (HPV). But only men under 45 will be offered the vaccine, should they attend a sexual health clinic in Northern Ireland. The move was announced by Northern Irish Health Minister … [Read more...]
Around 200 people in Northern Ireland are HIV positive but don’t even know it
By Maurice Fitzmaurice 16:28, 10 FEB 2016 Positive Life calls for changes in people's attitudes to condition and for more testing An estimated 200 could be living with HIV in Northern Ireland without even knowing, research has revealed. The figure emerged as the region’s only dedicated HIV charity, Positive Life, called on “people to take charge of their sexual health in … [Read more...]
Ireland Regional Representative – Maeve Cross
Honorary Secretary / Treasurer Ireland Regional Representative Maeve Cross Belfast Health & Social Care Trust. G.U.M. Clinic Level 3 Outpatients, Royal Victoria Hospital Grosvenor Road Belfast BT12 6BA maeve.cross@belfasttrust.hscni.net Maeve is regional rep for Ireland. She works as a health adviser in the GUM clinic in Belfast. She has worked in … [Read more...]