Ireland Rep
Stephen Greenlees
- GUM Clinic
Level 3 Outpatients
Royal Victoria Hospital
Grosvenor Road
BT12 6BA - 02890633953
- Stephen Greenlees
Clinics in the North of Ireland
Daisyhill Hospital
5 Hospital Road
Tel: 02830835050
Altnagelvin Hospital
Glenshane Road
Tel: 02871611257
Causeway Hospital
Tel: 02870327032
Royal Hospital
Grosvenor Road
Tel: 02890633953
Useful links
Health Promotion Agency Northern Ireland
Family Planning Association
Sexual Health Information Exchange Group Northern Ireland This group is facilitated by the Health Promotion Agency. It is made up of those working in Sexual Health. Contact HPA for details.
HIV Support Centre
The centre has two main areas of work, information and support. The mainstay of the Information Programme is the free phone telephone helpline which operates Monday to Saturday. We receive in access of 4,000 calls each year. Along side this is our training and information provision to individuals, community and voluntary groups as well as statutory agencies.
028 9024 9268
028 9032 9845