Following the successful 2012 SSHA one day annual conference in Liverpool, SSHA is having its 2013 one day conference in
Location / Date
- Unite Offices, Holborn London.
- Saturday 21st of September 2013
- 09:30 Registration Tea & Coffee
- 09:45 Welcome from SSHA President
- 10:00 ‘Testing Times ‘[Sexual Health in Unis, Bars & Saunas] – Tom Hunt – (Community Development Worker – Yorkshire MESMAC)
- 10:30 ‘HIV Partner Notification’ – Gill Bell & Maeve Cross [Sexual Health Adviser],
- 11:30 ‘Why BASHH Needs Health Advisers’- Ceri Evans (Senior Health Adviser – West London centre for Sexual Health), Heather Wilson (Senior Health Adviser – Clare Simpson Clinic)
- 12:00 ‘Managing a Health Adviser team in times of Austerity – Robert Palmer [Lead Health Adviser, Specialist Psychotherapist – Guy’s & St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust]
- 12:30 AGM
- 12:45 Lunch
- 13:30 ‘Pills powders pleasure and passion – a fab night out or a bad morning in waiting?’ – Dr Adam R Winstock – Consultant Addiction Psychiatrist & Addiction Medicine Specialist South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust/Senior Lecturer Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London/Founder Global Drug Survey
- 14:15 ‘PROUD Study / PrEP( Pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV) in the UK ‘- Richard Stack (Senior Health Adviser – 56 Dean Street)
- 14:45 Debate:
This house believes that providing PrEP to HIV
negative MSM’s is an effective health promotion strategy
FOR: Dr. Michael Rayment
AGAINST: Jonathan Roberts
Chair: Martin Murchie
- 15:15 Tea & Coffee
- 15:45 ‘The New National HIV Prevention Programme for England – Targeting our most at risk populations (MARPs)’ – Patrick Dollard – MBARC
- 16:15 ‘Dry Blood Spot testing for HIV in Greater Manchester’ – David Freeman Powell – Greater Manchester Chlamydia Screening Coordinator
- 16:45 Open Discussion & Closing Statement
- 17:00 Close
Booking your place
- Please book your place early as last year we had an enormous amount of interest and could not allocate everyone a place.
- If there is enough interest we may run two separate one day events this year.
- David Wilson the SSHA treasurer will again be managing all applications so please. E-mail him to book your place along with payment.
- A conference place will be confirmed on receipt of payment
- The costs will be £75.00 for SSHA members and. £85.00 for non-SSHA members.
- Please check our website, Facebook and Twitter pages for more information re. the programme and venue.
Jamie, Paul, David and Martin Murchie (SSHA President)
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