FAQ Scotland is part of a larger project that wants to prevent HIV infections in Scotland among gay and bisexual men. The larger project is called an HIV Needs Assessment, which is being undertaken by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (GGC) and NHS Lothian.
The two health boards launched the HIV Needs Assessment because numbers of men becoming HIV positive are on the rise. Each year around 100 men in Scotland become HIV positive and men who have sex with men is the population group most at risk.
A Needs Assessment is a way for the NHS to take a close look at a health issue that affects a population and think about what needs to happen to tackle a problem (like HIV), including how services like sexual health clinics are doing and should do their job.
The FAQ Scotland project is the community engagement part of the HIV Needs Assessment. FAQ wanted to make contact with gay and bisexual men and hear from them about their sex and relationships and sexual health.
A company called TASC (Scotland) designed and delivered FAQ for the health boards. From August 2012 to August 2013, Colin Morrison and Gregory Baker kept in touch with men to learn about their views and experiences.
Designer Bobby Grierson at d4Digital specialises in accessible web and print design and worked with the TASC team to create FAQ branding and FAQ online.
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