Ceri Evans (Senior Health Adviser – West London Centre for Sexual Health)
Ceri has been a Health Adviser since 1991. She is currently the Senior Health Adviser at the West London Centre for Sexual Health at Charing CrossHospital in London. Specialised interests in working with people with Learning Disabilities and People with in the Adult Entertainment Industry.
Ceri is currently representing BASHH Health Advisers on BASHH Board and working with them to increase the presence and profile of Health Advisers.
Heather Wilson (Senior Health Adviser – Clare Simpson Clinic)
Heather has been a health adviser for 23 years, currently working at the Barnet sexual health clinic. She was a rep on the SSHA committee for many years and is also a Past President. She was a member of The Independent Advisory Group for Sexual Health, a contributing editor of the Manual for Sexual Health Advising, a member of the MEDFASH GUM review committee and a member of the Dept of Health and the Faculty of Public Health working groups on the registration and regulation of sexual health advisers.
She is currently the health adviser rep on the BASHH Clinical Governance Committee. Her professional interests include safeguarding, ethical practice and professional regulation.
- Feedback from 2012 Health Adviser “survey monkey” undertaken via BASHH
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