Take action on November 30th, 2011 – Defend your pension
Colleagues, As you know Unite members employed across our public services have voted ‘YES’ for industrial action in the ongoing dispute over imposed changes to their pension schemes.
Industrial action will commence from 00.01 on Wednesday, November 30th concluding at midnight.
Following this vote, Unite is calling on all members employed by an employer where we have secured a YES vote and notified the employer of our intention to take strike action, to join with colleagues from other public sector trade unions in sending a very clear message in support of your pensions on November 30th, 2011.
Encourage your colleagues to take action to defend their pension.
This is an official dispute. It is supported by the TUC and we are working with them and other unions taking action on various protests and other events in towns and cities across the UK on the day.
Visit the Unite website to see the map of action where you can see where events are taking place all across the country. If there is an event taking place in your area that is not included on our map, please contact saba.mozakka@unitetheunion.org
You can calculate how much you stand to lose using the pensions calculator at: www.unitetheunion.org
Defend your pension on November 30th, 2011
Unite has also published its ‘dossier of hypocrisy’ today, exposing the pensions of cabinet ministers at the heart of the coalition’s attack on public sector workers. Unite experts found:
George Osborne, the architect of the government’s austerity programme, would only have to work a year and a half to earn a typical public sector workers’ pension of £5,600 in retirement.
Francis Maude and Danny Alexander are leading negotiations with the unions on pensions. A typical public sector worker would have to work three working lifetimes to earn Francis Maude’s pension and two working lifetimes to earn young Danny Alexander’s.
A local government worker would have to work an staggering 124 years to get a pension equal to what Eric Pickles could retire on in 2015.
Andrew Lansley’s pension is almost ten times bigger than an average health worker who is accused by this government of having a ‘gold-plated pension’.
The pensions of these cabinet ministers have been examined by Unite’s pensions experts and compared to typical public sector workers who face a massive attack on their pensions. The calculations are based on ministers’ pension pots if they were to retire at the end of the current term of office in 2015.
To view Unite’s dossier of hypocrisy showing best estimates of ministers pensions click here.
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