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Unite Credit Union: Finance without fear
Unite Credit Union: Finance without fear We know how tough it is to make ends meet at the moment. As prices rise and wages fall Unite members are telling us they’re running out of options – worryingly, a growing number are reliant on payday lenders. That's why we are planning to launch a Unite Credit Union network. The credit union will provide instant access to an ethical … [Read more...]
SSHA National Professional Committee (NPC) 3 Year Plan
SSHA NPC has drawn up a plan designed to keep the sexual health advising professional agenda current and relevant over the coming 3 years. The plan involves focusing on a range of professional issues including: continuing professional development; using the website both to share good practice and get members’ views and opinions; consolidating links with partner … [Read more...]
Agenda 4 Change Consultation
Dear Colleagues, We recently wrote to you about the Agenda for Change consultation. The deadline is 27 July 2012. It is absolutely vital that you respond to this consultation to stop deterioration in your terms and conditions. We need you to meet with other union reps in your workplace and respond to the Staff Council Staff Side survey. All the support information can be … [Read more...]
Withdrawal of NRRP – Protection of Pay & Pensions
Withdrawal of NRRP - Protection of Pay & Pensions Where members pensionable pay falls as a consequence of the withdrawal of nationally agreed Recruitment and Retention Premia, arrangements have been put in hand to ensure that the impact on final pension is limited by pay protection. This should be arranged between employers and NHS Pensions without members having to do … [Read more...]