A Partner Notification Bureau in action - Gill Bell, Nurse Consultant Sexual Health Adviser, Sheffield Real-time Partner Notification - Dr Anatole S Menon-Johansson, SXT Health CIC Health Advisers and Supervision Audit Results - Maeve Cross Senior Health Adviser GUM Belfast Centralised Result Management Bureau - Merle Symonds, Lead Health Adviser & … [Read more...]
SSHA National Professional Committee (NPC) 3 Year Plan
SSHA NPC has drawn up a plan designed to keep the sexual health advising professional agenda current and relevant over the coming 3 years. The plan involves focusing on a range of professional issues including: continuing professional development; using the website both to share good practice and get members’ views and opinions; consolidating links with partner … [Read more...]
SSHA AGM & Study Day: 2011
The Society of Sexual Health Advisers are holding a Study Day Friday 11th February. This will also include an AGM [for SSHA members only]. Find out about SSHA Constitutional change, newly elected officers on the National Professional Committee, the financial state of the Branch, ask about future direction and projects and have your say; PLUS presentations on accessing clinical … [Read more...]
SSHA Conference 2010
‘Reality bites– challenges in current practice’ This year’s SSHA conference will be at the Hilton Hotel Belfast from September 17th - 19th 2010. We work within a changing NHS and in particular face daily challenges to maintain a quality, professional Sexual Health Adviser service within the current sexual health arena. CPD is an important part of the ongoing … [Read more...]
A Clinical Audit Report on the implementation of the NICE guidelines
CLINICAL AUDIT REPORT Implementation of NICE guidelines (PH3) on one to one interventions to reduce the transmission of STI’s including HIV, and to reduce the rates of under 18 conceptions, especially among vulnerable and at risk groups Department of Infectious Diseases and Sexual Health Speciality Medicine Audit lead: Justine Mellor Report by: Justine Mellor Date report … [Read more...]