This training has been postponed for the time being. Further dates will be released for Spring 2016. Talk Change – Change Talk in Motivational Interviewing Advanced Communication Skills for Practitioners in Sexual Health This training is important to all staff working in sexual and reproductive health roles this includes sexual health advisers, nurses and … [Read more...]
SSHA Conference 2010: Postponed
It is with regret that SSHA is postponing this year’s annual conference in Belfast. A lack in the number of applications has meant that we are unable to make the conference financially viable this year, and if we did not cancel now, we would be liable for hotel charges which would affect our ability to pay for a future conference and also to support things such as MI study … [Read more...]
SSHA Conference 2010
‘Reality bites– challenges in current practice’ This year’s SSHA conference will be at the Hilton Hotel Belfast from September 17th - 19th 2010. We work within a changing NHS and in particular face daily challenges to maintain a quality, professional Sexual Health Adviser service within the current sexual health arena. CPD is an important part of the ongoing … [Read more...]
Ireland Regional Representative – Maeve Cross
Honorary Secretary / Treasurer Ireland Regional Representative Maeve Cross Belfast Health & Social Care Trust. G.U.M. Clinic Level 3 Outpatients, Royal Victoria Hospital Grosvenor Road Belfast BT12 6BA Maeve is regional rep for Ireland. She works as a health adviser in the GUM clinic in Belfast. She has worked in … [Read more...]