It is with regret that SSHA is postponing this year’s annual conference in Belfast.
A lack in the number of applications has meant that we are unable to make the conference financially viable this year, and if we did not cancel now, we would be liable for hotel charges which would affect our ability to pay for a future conference and also to support things such as MI study days and other professional activities.
SSHA NPC would like to thank the conference organisers who put in a lot of hard work and to speakers who had agreed to present. We would also like to apologise to those who had sent in their application forms and money.
We are of the understanding that the current financial climate may be a deciding factor for potential delegates. It would be helpful if you did contact us to let us know why you decided not to attend this year – this will aid us in future planning meetings ( )
We hope to schedule a 1 day event in London later this year in a cost neutral venue so we would appreciate any ideas you may have about this as well as ideas about SSHA conference next year.
Please contact David Wilson re. finance or myself or Maeve for any other issues to do with conference.
Yours sincerely,
Jamie Hardie
SSHA President