Update February 2016
As ever, please look at our website at www.wla.london/wla/wlanew.nsf/pages/WLA-385 and contact those named at the end of this briefing if you have any specific questions. And please feel free to send this briefing note onto colleagues who might be interested.
The Case for Change
With so much activity going on around us and people very busy progressing projects and day to day business, it can be easy to forget why the programme was started.
The Programme was set up to work in partnership with local authorities across London to deliver a new commissioning model for open access sexual health services. This includes Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM), services for the screening and treatment of Sexually Transmitted infections (STIs) and Sexual and Reproductive Health Services (SRH) (community ontraceptive services).
It was agreed that with the continued pressure on public sector finances, and the reduction of public health budgets, there was a compelling case to review how we best provide these vital services. The aim of the Transformation Programme is to design, agree and procure a system that will deliver measurably improved and cost effective public health outcomes, meet increasing demand and deliver better value.
So there are five key drivers for change.
1. The need for sexual health services in London is significantly higher than the England average, and has risen significantly in recent years.
2. There are noticeable variations in access and activity across London boroughs, with high numbers of residents from across London accessing services in central London.
3. Given London’s complex pattern of open access services, there are important advantages for London boroughs to transform and commission services together
4. We must continue to ensure strong clinical governance, safeguarding and quality assurance arrangements are in place for commissioning open access services
5. We want to respond to current and future financial challenges, and ensure we are making the best use of resources available
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