Update February 2016 As ever, please look at our website at www.wla.london/wla/wlanew.nsf/pages/WLA-385 and contact those named at the end of this briefing if you have any specific questions. And please feel free to send this briefing note onto colleagues who might be interested. The Case for Change With so much activity going on around us and people very busy progressing … [Read more...]
London Sexual Health Transformation Project
DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT 142kB Background This is the third of our regular monthly update briefings about this project, set up to work in partnership to deliver a new commissioning model for open access sexual health services across much of the capital, including Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) (services for the screening and treatment of Sexually Transmitted infections (STIs) and … [Read more...]
Tendering of sexual health GUM services
To: NHS SHA Cluster Chief Executives/ NHS PCT Cluster Chief Executives/ Specialist Commissioning Groups Dear Colleague, TENDERING OF SEXUAL HEALTH GUM SERVICES As part of the process of transition to new systems and ways of working it is important that we work together to minimise the risk of action being taken that may have unintended consequences. With this in mind, we … [Read more...]
Goodbye and Thanks – Jan!
Jan Hyland recently retired from sexual health advising after a long career in sexual health. "I've enjoyed being a SSHA member and being on the NPC. This has given me such a lot of support especially when I was a lone Health Adviser in a busy rural clinic. I have always been very proud to represent the Eastern Region’’ Jan qualified as a SRN at The Royal Free Hospital in … [Read more...]
SSHA Response to PH regulatory review 2010
From the proposed consultation questions it appears that issues of concern to practitioners and employers may not be covered. The question “All non-medically qualified public health ‘specialists’ currently on the UK Voluntary Register for Public Health Specialists should instead be placed on a Statutory Register. The wider Public Health workforce (i.e. those not eligible for … [Read more...]