Gill Bill (Consultant Sexual Health Adviser – Sheffield)
Gill has been a Nurse Consultant Sexual Health Adviser in Sheffield since 2004. She has served on SSHA NPC from 2001 – 2007 as a Regional Representative (2001-2), Conference Organiser (2002-3) President (2003-4) Research Officer (2004-5) Education Officer (2005-7).
She chaired the SSHA NICE sub-committee which developed a series of study days on motivational interviewing from 2007 – 2011.
She has published research on partner notification and delivered PN training to staff in a wide range of settings. Gill represents Health Advisers on the National Chlamydia Screening Advisory Group (NCSAG), and is a member of the BASHH Public Health Group.
Maeve Cross (Senior Health Adviser – Belfast)
Maeve is a Senior Health Adviser in the GUM Clinic in the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast. She has worked in sexual health since 2000, initially as a nurse. She joined the health advising team in 2006. She has been a member of the SSHA NPC as a regional representative since 2008. She is chair of the Northern Ireland RCN Sexual Health Network.
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