Dear Stakeholder Network member,
I am writing to draw your attention to the publication of CHRE’s annual performance review of the health professional regulators. The Performance Review 2010/2011; changing regulation in changing times was laid before Parliament, along with our Annual Report and Accounts on 29th June.
The Performance Review report (and summary document) can be found at and the Annual Report and Accounts can be found at
The Performance Review evaluates the performance of the nine health professional regulators in the four key areas of statutory responsibility – guidance and standards, education and training, registration, and fitness to practise. This performance review has identified that most of the regulators are performing well across their regulatory functions. It has also identified some areas of concern in relation to the performance of some of the regulators – those regulators are already taking action to address those areas of concern.
We highlight in the review some areas where we are looking for the regulators to improve their performance, including the way in which some of them deal with drink-drive /drug-related convictions, as well as their processes for investigating complaints about themselves.
In this year’s review we also draw attention to the impact of the proposed changes to the NHS in England on matters of patient safety and professional conduct which will require a regulatory response. We make recommendations to the regulators and to the departments of health across the UK.
In line with government requirements, the reports are only available electronically. They are also available in Welsh.
Kind regards,
Emma Kelly-Dempster
Good Practice Officer
Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence
157-197 Buckingham Palace Road
Switchboard: 020 7389 8030
Direct line: 020 7389 8019
Fax: 020 7389 8040
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