We know how important it is to our members in the health sector that they have time to develop their skills and knowledge. We also know that with the current climate in the health sector, this has become more and more difficult to achieve. That’s why we’ve launched Unite in Health Thinking Thursday (#UiHTT).
#UiHTT will cover topics that our members tell us are important. And to help with less time being available to be involved in training we’ve developed it in a ‘webinar’ style. The modules are free to Unite Health Sector members and once you apply on the online form for a session, we’ll send you details of how to join in that session.
How will the session work?
Have a look at the session below and if you’re a member and want to join in, use the form at the bottom of the page to book. Once you’ve registered, you’ll get an email from us telling you about the webinar login details. It will include a number for you to phone (so you can hear the presentation) and a website for you to visit (so you can watch the presentation slides). It might sound complicated but in our early pilot sessions, members found this style easy to join in with.
#UiHTT Think Again
Here you can watch previous sessions and download the presentations.
February 2013 Third Thursday:
Transitions away from the NHS: The impact of staff transfers caused by the Health & Social Care Act – Thursday 21st February 2013 at 3:30pm
In this session Unite National Officer Barrie Brown will talk about the changes that are happening in our NHS including the developing picture of transfers of staff away from the NHS to alternative providers. He’ll also be joined by a Unite Regional Officer who will talk about their experiences of being involved with transfers of staff out of the NHS. This session will be especially relevant to our reps in England, but any members should join in to hear about what’s happening.
If you want to apply for your free Unite in Health member place for this session, please click here and fill in the form below.
If you want to let colleagues know about the session who aren’t members, feel free to pass this information on to them, however they’ll need to join Unite to be able to join in the call (which they can do by clicking here). Maybe these sessions aren’t covering issues that you’re interested in? If they’re not or you have any better ideas, why not get in touch. Email healthsector@unitetheunion.org telling us what you’d rather have a session on and if we can sort something we will!
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