In April 2011 the UKPHR opened the public health practitioner route to the register, in order to become a registered practitioner you have to apply through a UKPHR quality assured local assessment and verification scheme, and we are encouraging the development of more schemes and recently ran a webinar to help to explain the process. The co-ordination is an essential element of … [Read more...]
SSHA London Regional Meeting
Date / Time Thurs 24th November 2011 5.30 for 6.00 - 8.00pm Location Seminar Room, Lloyd Clinic, Guys Hospital Programme 17.30 Tea / Coffee / Snacks 18.00 Welcome and introductions 18.15 "One night with Venus and a 1000 with Mercury - Re-emergence of Congenital Syphilis" Renee Aroney - St Georges Hospital 18.45 "Where are we now with Registration" - Zoe … [Read more...]
Cardiff 2011 Conference: Presentations & Feedback
Download all the presentations from the SSHA Study Day Presentations The Practitioner Route to the UK Public Health Register - UKPHR Provider Notification Audit - Implications for Practice - Fiona Johnston (Outreach Nurse), Richard Williams (Lead Health Adviser Western Sussex Hospitals Trust) Partner notification for chlamydia by postal kit: pilot study results - Gill … [Read more...]
Portfolio Development Support / Cymorth Datblygu Portffolio
Public Health Practitioners Applications are invited from public health workers across Wales to the Public Health Practitioner Portfolio Development Support Programme (2010-11). Through this programme practitioners will be able to access a range of support in developing portfolios of evidence against the UK Public Health Register’s (UKPHR) Public Health Practitioner (Draft) … [Read more...]