It is with great regret that SSHA has learned that Heather Anderson (whom many of you may have worked with or met at SSHA conference or at other Sexual Health/HIV forums) has passed away suddenly. As an experienced HA of 14 years in East London, Heather was widely liked by colleagues in Sexual Health and HIV and was always able to provide compassionate, empathetic and expert … [Read more...]
SSHA AGM & Study Day: 2011
The Society of Sexual Health Advisers are holding a Study Day Friday 11th February. This will also include an AGM [for SSHA members only]. Find out about SSHA Constitutional change, newly elected officers on the National Professional Committee, the financial state of the Branch, ask about future direction and projects and have your say; PLUS presentations on accessing clinical … [Read more...]
SSHA Response to PH regulatory review 2010
From the proposed consultation questions it appears that issues of concern to practitioners and employers may not be covered. The question “All non-medically qualified public health ‘specialists’ currently on the UK Voluntary Register for Public Health Specialists should instead be placed on a Statutory Register. The wider Public Health workforce (i.e. those not eligible for … [Read more...]
Book your place now for SSHA Conference 2010
May 2010 Dear Member, ‘Reality bites – challenges in current practice’ This year’s SSHA conference will be at the Hilton Hotel, Belfast from September 17th - 19th 2010. To date, completed applications to this years SSHA conference, provisionally organised for Belfast has been slow. The HA team in Belfast were the only team interested in hosting and organising conference … [Read more...]