A Partner Notification Bureau in action - Gill Bell, Nurse Consultant Sexual Health Adviser, Sheffield Real-time Partner Notification - Dr Anatole S Menon-Johansson, SXT Health CIC Health Advisers and Supervision Audit Results - Maeve Cross Senior Health Adviser GUM Belfast Centralised Result Management Bureau - Merle Symonds, Lead Health Adviser & … [Read more...]
Could mouthwash combat gonorrhoea?
By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online 23 August 2016 Article Link "A gargle a day keeps gonorrhoea away" is an unlikely slogan, but researchers believe it could hold some truth. Recent studies have shown people can carry the sexually transmitted infection in their throats for weeks or months without symptoms. And they could spread it to others through … [Read more...]
The Startup Aiming To Revolutionise Sexual Health Services
Anatole Menon Johansson is a sexual health consultant trying to revolutionise the way sexual health services are run in the UK. At the moment, they are badly coordinated and hard to access quickly by the people who desperately need them. Anatole has been working with web development agency Bit Zesty, to create a website on which a patient can type in their postcode, their … [Read more...]
SXT: Sexual health information in under a minute
What is SXT? SXT (https://www.sxt.org.uk/) is a free & anonymous platform for clients to find the right service in the right place at the right time as well as a powerful marketing tool for providers. It started in 2009 when UnLtd & 4iP (https://www.unltd.org.uk/) awarded £5000 to develop a text message services to sign post clients to their nearest, most appropriate, … [Read more...]
Sexpression: UK petition launch
SIGN THE PETITION HERE! Here is the petition by Advocacy Co-ordinator Jack Fletcher: At present, there is no statutory SRE in the Scottish Education system. I feel very strongly that this is an area that needs vast improvement and that legislation should be passed for comprehensive high quality SRE to be taught as statutory in schools at primary and secondary level, with age … [Read more...]