“This house believes that providing PrEP to
HIV negative MSM’s is an effective health promotion strategy”
FOR: Dr. Michael Rayment
Mike is a Locum Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV Medicine at Homerton University Hospital, having recently completed his clinical training at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. He has a career-long research interest in HIV prevention and HIV testing interventions, and he is currently involved in the qualitative sub-study of the MRC PROUD trial, investigating the real-world effectiveness of PrEP.
AGAINST: Jonathan Roberts
Jonathan Roberts started his current post as a Liaison Health Advisor in July 2003, with a remit to engage with primary and secondary care and provide tailored support in the management of sexually transmitted infections and HIV testing. Since 2007 he has worked part-time in this post and also part time as a Senior Lecturer in Sexual Health & HIV at the University of Brighton, co-ordinating courses within the Sexual and Reproductive Health (SARH) pathway. Jonathan is currently education officer for SSHA.
Chair: Martin Murchie
Martin currently works as a Senior Sexual Health Adviser at Sandyford sexual and reproductive health services in Glasgow, the first truly integrated G.U.Medicine and Family Planning Service in the UK. He is also a Registered Nurse. He has worked within sexual health sine 1996 and moved in to the specialty of sexual health advising in 1998 then on to Senior Sexual Health Adviser in 2001. He is a qualified as a Registered Nurse and is SSHA President
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