Since 2012, the US Food and Drugs Administration have approved the use of daily Truvada (tenofovir co-formulated with emtricitabine) as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for reducing the risk of sexual transmission of HIV infection.
If PrEP were to be available as a biomedical intervention in the UK, healthcare providers would play a critical role in its implementation.
They would need to identify those at highest risk of HIV infection, elicit patient preferences for prevention options and prescribe and monitor PrEP medication to those that choose to use it.
Therefore, central to developing a strategy for effective PrEP delivery in the UK is an understanding of providers knowledge of and attitudes to PrEP and its delivery.
To explore this further, the Medical Research Council and Public Health England are conducting a survey of the knowledge and attitudes that providers have regarding PrEP and its provision in the UK.
This survey also examines healthcare providers attitudes to PEP in the context of PrEP.
We would be very grateful if you could spend about 10 minutes to complete the survey on-line at:
- survey will be available for completion until midnight on Friday 18th October 2013
- Please note that unfortunately, there is a problem with Question 28: Do you prescribe or recommend antiretrovirals to HIV-uninfected persons to prevent HIV infection? (tick all that apply).
- The ‘tick all that apply’ option does not work, and only one answer option is being allowed. You will therefore only be able to tick one option.
- This question will be removed from the analysis when the responses are analysed
- Please contact Monica Desai if you have any questions about the survey.
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