As part of its commitment to support the roll out of alcohol Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) across London, the London Health Improvement Board (LHIB) has established an IBA Practitioners’ Network.
The Academy has been commissioned to faciliate the IBA Practitioner’s Network which is open to health, social care and other front-line roles working in London. The aim of the Network is to promote the delivery of IBA amongst tier 1 roles by acting as a forum and support network for members.
By joining the network, practitioners are expected to:
- To act as a local leader for IBA delivery within their locality/setting
- To engage in the network through events, discussion and support to members
N.B. Membership is open to a wide range of front-line practitioners with the opportunity to deliver IBA, but is unfortunately not open to drug and alcohol specialist roles, strategic or commissioning leads.
If you are interested in joining the network as a London based front-line practitioner, please see here for the Membership Invitation.pdf
See here for:
- The IBA network newsletter 16.01.13 Issue 1
- IBA Network free event invitation 18th Feb.pdf (N.B London roles only)
- Write up from the Network’s launch event
See here for further information on the LHIB alcohol programme
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