SSHA is pleased to announce: Helping People to Reduce Sexual Health Risk – A Motivational Interviewing Approach
Two Study Days to be held in London:
- Saturday 20th April 2024 9.30am-4.00 pm
- Saturday 18th May 2024 9.30am-4.00 pm
Face-to-face study days to be held in Central London at:
- The Unite the Union Offices,
- 128 Theobalds Rd,
- London WC1X 8TN
These days are limited to 12 people and will include large group and small group work, also the opportunity to practice between the two sessions.
What is Motivational Interviewing?
Motivational interviewing is a form of collaborative conversation for strengthening a person’s own motivation and commitment to change. (Miller & Rollnick, 2013)
Please see the MINT website for further information.
What are the aims of the study days?
The aim is to equip staff working in a Sexual Health setting with an understanding of motivational interviewing, to enable them to use this approach when discussing risk reduction in STIs, HIV, unintended pregnancies, health risk reductions such as reducing alcohol, smoking or recreational drugs taking (and chemsex).
Who is the training for?
The days are aimed at Sexual Health staff who discuss sexual risk reduction with patients in Integrated Sexual Health Services. The course has primarily been developed for Sexual Health Advisers and is also suitable for Doctors, Nurses and other health care professionals.
Led by expert Sexual Health Advisers, the course will be led by Mo Lockwood and Hu Clarke as our new leaders. Strengthening our ties with MINT (Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers), Mo, a MINT’ee for almost 20 years, and Hu, with 30 years health promotion experience, will undergo the next MINT training the trainers programme.
Day 1: Introduction to Motivational Interviewing Skills: Part 1
- Saturday 20th April 2024
- 9.30am-4.00 pm
NB: The 2nd study day is run a month later to allow participants to reflect on their practice and build on what you have learnt. This is incremental training, so you will only be able to attend Day 2 if you have attended Day 1.
Day 2: Introduction to Motivational Interviewing Skills: Part 2
- Saturday 18th May 2024
- 9.30am-4.00 pm
- £90.00 per day for SSHA members
- £100 per day for non-members SSHA members
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