Dear Colleagues
Defending Trade Union Facility Time
The Freedom of Information Act has been used by a number of organisations to question trade union facility time across the public sector. Unite believes that these actions are part of an attempt to undermine and weaken trade unions’ legitimate role in the workplace.
Trade Union Facility Time is a crucial union resource and if seriously undermined could acutely jeopardise the ability of the unions to represent members effectively.
We know that we will have many struggles on pay, pensions and other members’ rights and benefits in the months and years to come and we need to be able to defend our members’ interests across the public sector.
We must ensure we defend our Facility Time Agreements.
We have created a Defend Trade Union Facility Time page on the Unite website; there is a Briefing for Activists and a range of additional resources outlining the key arguments that should me made to assist you at a local level to defend your Facility Time Agreements.
Please visit the site at:
This information will also be sent out today to reps on a Health Sector ebulletin newsflash.
Kind Regards,
Karen Reay, National Officer Health
David Fleming, National Officer Health