LONDON Friday 28th June - Saturday 29th June Unite the Union, Unite House, 128 Theobald’s Road, Holborn, London, WC1X 8TN The study days will prepare participants for the BASHH SSHA competency in MI Day 1: Advanced Communication Skills for Practitioners in Sexual Health The Pillars of Motivational Interviewing Resisting ‘the Righting Reflex’ OARS & … [Read more...]
London 2018 Conference – Presentations
Society of Sexual Health Advisers 2018 Conference WELCOME - Martin Murchin A Proposal for a New Image for the SSHA Logo - Richard Williams HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis - Dr. John Saunders , Public Health England U=U and partner notification A case discussion - Maeve Cross, Senior Health Adviser, GUM RVH Belfast Sexual Health Adviser Interventions: Complex … [Read more...]
SSHA Summer Newsletter 2018
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Why Join SSHA? 7 top reasons 1. Trade Union Membership Become a part of Britain’s largest union representing 2 million skilled and professional people. Unite offers you advice, guidance and representation in all aspects of your working life, from negotiating your conditions of employment to making certain your employer values your skills and career development. 2. … [Read more...]
The Society of Sexual Health Advisers one day annual conference will take place on Saturday the 22nd of September at Unite House, Theobalds Road, Holborn, London. This conference is aimed at all practitioners working in sexual health in the roles of sexual health advising and sexual health nursing. Topics covered this year will include: · Forensic Safeguarding · … [Read more...]