London Sexual Health Transformation Programme
Update May 2016
Welcome to the May briefing from the London Sexual Health Transformation Programme.
The briefing will change slightly from now on, reflecting the changes in governance outlined last month. We will now concentrate on providing detail from the work of the sub regions and the separate work streams.
It is worth reiterating the key focus for the programme over the next period:
- Developing and procuring the new e services model to better signpost patients and provide home testing kits where clinically appropriate
- Agreeing a new pricing mechanism that supports flexibility and planning and ensures services are paid for fairly
- Supporting the sub regions as they commission face to face services.
The Case for Change
It is also worth briefly re visiting the case for change that continues to drive the programme decision making. The aim of the Transformation Programme is to work collaboratively to design, agree and procure a system that will deliver measurably improved and cost effective public health outcomes, meet increasing demand and deliver better value.
The key drivers are:
- The need for sexual health services in London is significantly higher than the rest of the country, and continues to increase
- There are noticeable variations in access and activity across boroughs, with residents from across London accessing services in central London
- There are significant advantages in London boroughs working together to transform and commission services given the complex pattern of open access provision
- The importance of maintaining and improving strong clinical governance, safeguarding and quality assurance arrangements for commissioning open access services
- The need to respond to current and future financial challenges, and make the best use of resources available
Survey Monkey
The survey monkey survey closed recently, with over 2000 responses. The channel shift group have reviewed the results at their first meeting, and the results will be shared with all stakeholders.
Integrated Sexual Health Tariff and Pricing Strategy
Work continues with commissioners to agree a London wide pricing strategy and we expect to be able to say more in early June.
E-services procurement
Work is well developed on the e-services procurement. The final specification for the e-services should be agreed by the end of May 2016 with a view to issuing a notice in OJEU in June 2016. A full update on the timelines for this will be provided in the June briefing.
External Organisations
Programme Lead Mary Cleary is speaking about collaboration in sexual health commissioning at the Westminster Social Policy Forum Keynote Seminar later this month.
We have also submitted a case study about the programme to the Local Government Association for their publication “Guidance for Commissioning Better Health Outcomes”.
Sub Regional Updates
Lots of work is being done in the sub regional groups and this section gives only a very high level update on general progress. For further details please contact the programme office.
Inner North West London
The procurement strategy has been agreed and the service specification signed off. Work continues to finalise the tender documents, contract and framework agreement and the OJEU notice. The main activity for the next period is the return and evaluation of submissions.
Outer North West London
The sub regional members have agreed an integrated service including GUM and CaSH. The main issues being considered at present are pricing, tariff, cross charging and capacity. A range of documents have been drafted in preparation for the procurement process: ITT, single multi party contract type, Evaluation Criteria and Method Statement and evaluation matrix. Work continues on this and preparation for the market evaluation event in June.
North Central
The ITT framework and questions have been agreed, as well as the evaluation criteria. A contract is being drafted and the procurement process has been agreed by the sub-region. The specification is currently being worked on, in alignment with the Pan London revised specification and the on-line sexual health service specification. A ‘Meet the Buyer’ event is being scheduled for early June.
North East London
The sub regional members have agreed an integrated level 3 sexual health service including GUM and CaSH. The programme documents have been agreed by boroughs, these include the PID, the Programme Plan, and the Engagement Strategy with key partners notified about the NEL high level commissioning intentions. The communications and engagement plan is being implemented with a waiting room survey and focus groups taking place through May. Priorities now include the pricing strategy, system capacity requirements, the estates work stream and developing a contraception needs assessment.
South East London
Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham are currently undertaking a consultation exercise on all proposed or possible changes to services provided under public health grant. Activities include: online survey; public meetings; service users meetings and surveys; and provider and network meetings. LSL and Bromley are also in negotiation with GSTT and KCH on how best to integrate an online service within the clinical service with an aim of piloting this model from June 2016 – March 2018.
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