SSHA NPC has drawn up a plan designed to keep the sexual health advising professional agenda current and relevant over the coming 3 years. The plan involves focusing on a range of professional issues including: continuing professional development; using the website both to share good practice and get members’ views and opinions; consolidating links with partner … [Read more...]
The Centre for HIV & Sexual Health’s new website
The Centre for HIV & Sexual Health is very pleased to launch our new-look website at The new site is much easier to navigate, to book your sexual health training, order resources and to read about all the sexual health promotion work we are currently doing - and we've even spruced up our logo! Why not come and take a look and let us … [Read more...]
Motivational Interviewing Training Days / Partner Notification Study Days
To keep up-to-date with sexual health news, job adverts and research please go to our homepage and enter your details to sign up for our email alerts: Be the first to hear about our upcoming Motivational Interviewing Training Days, Partner Notification Study Days and SSHA Conference announcements. Follow us on Twitter … [Read more...]
Welcome to the new SSHA Website
My goal for the new look site was to develop a user friendly, up-to-date, easily navigated site that would be a resource and a networking tool for Sexual Health Advisers in the UK and Ireland, a site that could keep our members informed of new developments and practices in sexual health and relevant news. There are two ways in which you can help the site to remain fresh, … [Read more...]