SSHA NPC has drawn up a plan designed to keep the sexual health advising professional agenda current and relevant over the coming 3 years. The plan involves focusing on a range of professional issues including: continuing professional development; using the website both to share good practice and get members’ views and opinions; consolidating links with partner … [Read more...]
SSHA welcomes the draft briefing paper: Guidance on HIV Prevention in MSM
2nd of December 2012 Dear Phil, Draft Briefing Paper: Guidance on HIV Prevention in MSM The National Professional Committee of the Society of Sexual Health Advisers welcomes the proposed the draft Briefing Paper: Guidance on HIV Prevention in MSM and would like to add that we would fully endorse it. Best Wishes Martin Murchie President of the Society of Sexual Health … [Read more...]
SSHA welcomes the proposed BASHH statement on Partner Notification
30th November 2011 Dear Hugo, The Society of Sexual Health Advisers welcomes the proposed BASHH statement on Partner Notification. Please find the below comments from the National Professional Committee of the Society of Sexual Health Advisers on the Proposed statement Area of Interest: NPC Society of Sexual Health Advisers Comments: Paragraph 2 At least one … [Read more...]
SSHA AGM & Study Day: 2011
The Society of Sexual Health Advisers are holding a Study Day Friday 11th February. This will also include an AGM [for SSHA members only]. Find out about SSHA Constitutional change, newly elected officers on the National Professional Committee, the financial state of the Branch, ask about future direction and projects and have your say; PLUS presentations on accessing clinical … [Read more...]
Goodbye and Thanks – Jan!
Jan Hyland recently retired from sexual health advising after a long career in sexual health. "I've enjoyed being a SSHA member and being on the NPC. This has given me such a lot of support especially when I was a lone Health Adviser in a busy rural clinic. I have always been very proud to represent the Eastern Region’’ Jan qualified as a SRN at The Royal Free Hospital in … [Read more...]