A PrEP user in New York City has become HIV positive with virus that is resistant to Truvada and other antiretroviral drugs, the HIV Research for Prevention (HIVR4P 2016) conference in Chicago heard today. This is only the second such case that has been reported, highlighting the rarity but not the impossibility of HIV infections in people who adhere to their PrEP (pre-exposure … [Read more...]
Watching pornography can ‘encourage men to wear condoms’, according to research
Kayleigh Lewis / The Independent 3 May 2016 Article link Men who view sexually explicit pornography where condoms are used are more likely to use protection when engaging in anal sex, research has found. A study of 265 men from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington DC, found their sexual behaviour was directly influenced by what they had seen online. All … [Read more...]