Stigma and Sexually Transmitted Infections: Are attitudes towards people with sexually transmitted infections as punitive as they are perceived to be? "That's the whole thing-to get rid of it": Stigma, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Attendance at the GUM Clinic Developmental Psychology; comparison of the risk perceptions between genders in late adolescence Provider … [Read more...]
Research: Nicholls 04.11.99
Assessing the impact of pre-test counselling upon HIV transmission, knowledge and motivation to change risk behaviour 04.11.99 Paul Nicholls and Mime Mathews, Health Adviser James Paget Health Care Trust Lowestoft Road, Gomeston, Norfolk Tel: 01493 452747 If the research work is complete, when was it completed? July 1999. If the research has been published, please … [Read more...]
Research: Faldon 05.11.00
"Come & see me. You may have a sexual infection." (Provider Referrals: Experience and Attitudes of Sexual Contacts) 5.11.00 Chris Faldon, Health Adviser Department of GU Medicine Newcastle General Hospital, Westgate Road, Newcastle NE4 6BE Tel: 0191 219 5011 If the research work is complete, when was it completed? October 2000 Summary of research topic Chlamydia … [Read more...]