6th August 2016 By Joseph Patrick McCormick [Pink News] Article Link Men who have sex with men in Northern Ireland are to be offered a vaccine to protect against the human papilloma virus (HPV). But only men under 45 will be offered the vaccine, should they attend a sexual health clinic in Northern Ireland. The move was announced by Northern Irish Health Minister … [Read more...]
Give HPV vaccine to boys to protect against cancers, experts say
With rates of human papilloma virus on the rise, it is vital to immunise males as well as females, researchers believe by Robin McKie 9th July 2016 The Observer Millions of young British men are being denied a vaccine that could protect them from throat cancers in later life. Scientists say the problem is becoming increasingly worrying as rates of human papilloma virus … [Read more...]
Surge in sexual infections in London as capital is STI black spot
One in four STI cases in England are in London, official figures show by Ross Lydall 6th July 2016 Evening Standard Young Londoners who have unprotected sex are fuelling a rise in infections including a 15 per cent increase in gonorrhoea, figures showed today. More than a third of the 118,774 sexually transmitted infections reported in the capital last year were in … [Read more...]
Protect everyone from HPV
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause of numerous diseases, including fatal cancers. It has been estimated that HPV is the cause of 5% of all cancer cases. HPV is very common and most men and women get HPV at some time in their lives. HPV usually never causes any health problems but, for some people, infection with HPV can lead to the development of certain cancers … [Read more...]
HPV rates drop 64% in decade since recommended CDC vaccination
22 February 2016 Although human papillomavirus vaccination rates are low in the US, this is the first time a study has shown evidence of the effect on women in their 20s Human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence is down 64% since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended a vaccination for the sexually transmitted infection a decade ago, according to a … [Read more...]