09/10/2014 Today's Times newspaper carries a letter from leading parliamentarians calling for the HPV vaccination programme to be extended to boys. The letter has been signed by: John Baron MP, chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer Sir Paul Beresford MP, chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Dentistry Baroness Joyce Gould, chair, All Party Parliamentary … [Read more...]
Survey: The use of HPV vaccination in men
Dear Sexual Health Network Member, School-based HPV vaccination for adolescent boys and targeted HPV vaccination for MSM is currently under consideration by the Department of Health. This short survey is investigating how sexual health staff see the use and value of HPV vaccine in heterosexual men and MSM. We would be grateful if you could complete the short survey below and … [Read more...]
BMA has voted in favour of vaccinating all boys against HPV
Some very good news today – the BMA has voted in favour of vaccinating all boys against HPV. https://bma.org.uk/news-views-analysis/news/2014/june/denying-men-genital-warts-vaccine-sexist There was just one vote against at the Annual Representative Meeting in Harrogate. The motion’s proposer, Dr Eleanor Draeger (a GUM consultant), will soon be writing a blog on the … [Read more...]