NAT's report argues that HIV partner notification can be highly effective in diagnosing people with HIV (with significant benefits for personal and public health), and makes the case for better prioritising and performing partner notification for HIV than is currently the case. It seeks to address current barriers to better practice around HIV partner notification - including … [Read more...]
Partner notification for sexually transmitted infections in the modern world: a practitioner perspective on challenges and opportunities
Introduction Our aim is to provide a practitioner perspective on approaches to partner notification (PN)—some old, some new—which may improve the control of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, in a variety of settings. PN services support patients with STI/HIV in the difficult task of informing often unsuspecting partners—past or present—of their possible … [Read more...]
Cardiff 2011 Conference: Presentations & Feedback
Download all the presentations from the SSHA Study Day Presentations The Practitioner Route to the UK Public Health Register - UKPHR Provider Notification Audit - Implications for Practice - Fiona Johnston (Outreach Nurse), Richard Williams (Lead Health Adviser Western Sussex Hospitals Trust) Partner notification for chlamydia by postal kit: pilot study results - Gill … [Read more...]
London 2010 Study Day: Presentations
Download all the presentations from the SSHA Study Day National Online HIV/STI Partner Notification Service Dónal Heath, Project Manager (GMFA) Audit of Practice Around Record Keeping and Partner Notification Maeve Cross, Sexual Health Adviser (Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast) & Martin Murchie, Senior Sexual Health Adviser (Sandyford Initiative, … [Read more...]
SSHA Study Day: 8th October 2010
You will probably be aware that this year’s SSHA Annual Conference that was to have been held at the Hilton Hotel in Belfast in September, has been cancelled due to lack of take-up. Reasons for lack of take-up are thought to be – accessibility/cost of travel, getting time off work, lack of funding for training. Location Diskus Conference Centre, Unite 128 Theobald’s … [Read more...]