The Society of Sexual Health Advisers one day annual conference will take place on Saturday the 22nd of September at Unite House, Theobalds Road, Holborn, London. This conference is aimed at all practitioners working in sexual health in the roles of sexual health advising and sexual health nursing. Topics covered this year will include: · Forensic Safeguarding · … [Read more...]
BASHH Annual Conference 2016: Twitter Updates
Unable to attend this years BASHH conference? Check out the tweets from those who did attend. Conference Twitter Feed … [Read more...]
NAT’s HIV Partner Notification Report
NAT's report argues that HIV partner notification can be highly effective in diagnosing people with HIV (with significant benefits for personal and public health), and makes the case for better prioritising and performing partner notification for HIV than is currently the case. It seeks to address current barriers to better practice around HIV partner notification - including … [Read more...]
SSHA Study Day: 8th October 2010
You will probably be aware that this year’s SSHA Annual Conference that was to have been held at the Hilton Hotel in Belfast in September, has been cancelled due to lack of take-up. Reasons for lack of take-up are thought to be – accessibility/cost of travel, getting time off work, lack of funding for training. Location Diskus Conference Centre, Unite 128 Theobald’s … [Read more...]