14th March 2016 By Rick Kelsey / Newsbeat reporter There's a warning not enough is being done to stop the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) through oral sex. Some of the UK's leading sexual health doctors fear people who change partners frequently may not be adequately protecting themselves. The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) says it's … [Read more...]
A Day of Unprotected Sex
Saturday March 24 2012 0930 – 1600 The Robens Suite, Guy’s Hospital, London SE1 A study day for Health Advisors, Doctors, Nurses and Counsellors working in Sexual Health and HIV. The day will explore the issues faced by clinicians in a climate of increased STI and HIV infection, emerging STI drug resistance and a growing concern over HIV and Hep C co-infection among … [Read more...]
GRASP 2010 (Gonococcal Resistance to Antimcrobials Surveillance Programme)
Synopsis GRASP (Gonococcal Resistance to Antimcrobials Surveillance Programme) is a national sentinel surveillance programme which has monitored trends and drifts in susceptibility in gonococcal isolates since 2000. It collects isolates from consecutive patients attending a network of 26 genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics that give regional representation in England and … [Read more...]