1 September 2016 Ian Johnston Article Link The sexually transmitted disease could become untreatable with 'serious sexual and reproductive health consequences', World Health Organisation says An entire class of antibiotics should not be used to treat one of the main sexually transmitted diseases, gonorrhoea, because it has developed “widespread, high levels of … [Read more...]
Could mouthwash combat gonorrhoea?
By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online 23 August 2016 Article Link "A gargle a day keeps gonorrhoea away" is an unlikely slogan, but researchers believe it could hold some truth. Recent studies have shown people can carry the sexually transmitted infection in their throats for weeks or months without symptoms. And they could spread it to others through … [Read more...]
Super gonorrhoea is coming and George Osborne needs to dig deep – fast
by Verity Sullivan 19 APRIL 2016 The words “Super Gonorrhoea!” have been splattered across the pages of every news outlet this week. The STI that affects 35,000 people in the UK every year, we’re told, is outsmarting our modern day cures and promises to spread through the population like wildfire. But what’s all the fuss really about? And is our increasingly weary health … [Read more...]
GRASP 2010 (Gonococcal Resistance to Antimcrobials Surveillance Programme)
Synopsis GRASP (Gonococcal Resistance to Antimcrobials Surveillance Programme) is a national sentinel surveillance programme which has monitored trends and drifts in susceptibility in gonococcal isolates since 2000. It collects isolates from consecutive patients attending a network of 26 genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics that give regional representation in England and … [Read more...]