Download the presentations from the SSHA Study Day FGM: Professionals, Policy and Practice - Obi Amadi, Lead Professional Officer The Psychology of Addiction- A current perspective on Chemsex - Dr Chris Hilton - Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist Psychosexual Work and Health Advisers - Lucy Snider - Health Adviser BME communities and HIV-what’s changed? - Professor Jane … [Read more...]
SSHA Conference: 2015
SSHA is holding its annual conference this year on 12th September 2015 in the UNITE Offices, London. This year the costs will be £80 for SSHA members and £90 for Non SSHA members. 9.00 Registration and coffee 9.30 Presidents welcome and housekeeping 9.45 FGM 10.05 ‘The Psychology of Addiction’-A current perspective on Chemsex’ Dr Chris Hilton … [Read more...]
SSHA Conference 2011: Cardiff
“Challenges & Innovations in Sexual Health Advising” Date 30th of September 2011 Location Unite Offices, The Meeting Room, 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF24 2BY Programme 09.30 - Registration tea and coffee 10.00 - Ethical Dilemmas in HIV 10.30 - Partner Management by Postal Testing - (Gill Bell) 11:00 - Is There a Benefit to Provider Referral? - (Richard … [Read more...]
Research Topics
Stigma and Sexually Transmitted Infections: Are attitudes towards people with sexually transmitted infections as punitive as they are perceived to be? "That's the whole thing-to get rid of it": Stigma, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Attendance at the GUM Clinic Developmental Psychology; comparison of the risk perceptions between genders in late adolescence Provider … [Read more...]
Research: Tobin 20.03.00
Working Together: meeting the needs of the Black African clients in a UK HIV clinical service 20.03.00 Rose Tobin, Senior Health Adviser c/o SSHA Research Officer If the research work is complete, when was it completed? April 1999. Summary of research topic or problem and any findings or conclusions Evaluation of how a voluntary community based project, Africare, which … [Read more...]