Sexual Health Advising – Widening the remit
This award will develop the student’s knowledge and understanding of the theory and practice of sexual health advising through a programme of self directed study. The award can also be taken as part of the Specialist Practice Award in Public Health (Health Advising) an NMC registrable qualification. (pending validation). The award is predominately delivered by distance learning, with the development of skills being incorporated into 4 study days.
The indicative content will examine
Issues associated with sexual health advising practice including an epidemiological overview of sexually acquired infections including HIV, the diagnosis and management of sexually acquired infections and HIV.
A historical background of the public health role of the sexual health advisor, incorporating the models and practice of partner notification and health promoting practice, including both community and hospital based practice. Examination of current and future development of the sexual health advisors role, Legal and professional framework of sexual health advising; including historical development and examination of current legislation, professional and ethical guidelines affecting practice.
Communication models, development of skills and practice of such skills, with the individual presenting to a sexual health advisor. Exploration of specific cultural and gender issues. Examination of personal values and judgements and impact upon practice will also be explored.
The Award will give the student either 30 credits at Level Two, 30 credits at Level Three, or 30 credits at M Level. The level studied will be dependent on students individual needs. The student will need to state which Level they require on the enrolment form.
Entrance Requirements
Working in an area where the provision of sexual health is part of the professional role.
A reflective assignment of 2500 words (for level 5) 3000 words (for Level 6) and 3500 (for level 7) (Learning outcomes 1,2,3) 60% weighting
Multiple choice questions assessing knowledge of Sexually Acquired infections. 40% weighting
Viva voce assessing two ethical dilemmas (Learning outcome 4) Pass/Fail
All the above three summative assessments must be passed
You will be offered academic support via a Award tutors.
Accreditation of Prior Learning
Students may apply for APL/APEL. Guidelines are available from to explain how this can be done
The course will be run on the Faculty of Health site at Blackheath Lane, Stafford.
Day/Time of attendance
Four study days over three weekends.
Term 1: Sat 8th Oct 2011 – 10.30 til 17.00, Sun 9th Oct 2011 -9.30 til 16.00, Sat 3rd Dec 2011 – 10.00 til 17.00, Sat 25th Feb 2012 – 10.00 til 17.00.
Term 2: Subject to Demand
Module Length
24 weeks
Cost: £830 Credits: 30 at either Level 5, Level 6 or M Level
The Faculty reserves the right to cancel any module/course/programme or to alter venues, times or cost. Final confirmation will be given at enrolment.
Contact Points:
Course Co-ordinator:- Margaret Bannerman 01785 353852
Application Forms:
Please contact:
Life Long Learning Administration Team
Staffordshire University
Faculty of Health
Blackheath Lane
Stafford 01785 353766